Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hours 7-8

I can't believe it's already been 8 hours. Oh how I would love to just spend my days lounging around reading :) But since I can't (work pays the bills), I am so happy that there are things like this out there to participate in and meet other people who are as excited about books as I am!!

Well, I'm about half way through my latest book and really enjoying it. Did a few things around the house so that I'm not trying to play catch up tomorrow when I'm sure I'll be needing some sleep! Looks like it could start pouring here any minute, which would be great!!

Hope everyone is having a great time and keep up the great reading!!!!

Stats so far:
Pages: 141 of Sunday's at Tiffany's
Time: 4:21 p.m.

Totals so far:
431 pages read
400 minutes reading
75 minutes blogging
1 books finished - Matrimony
2 caffeinated beverages
2 mini-challenges


Laura said...

Your numbers are looking good! You are almost halfway to your goal! Less than 4 hours 'til IHOP! :)

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

431 pages!! Great job Kari.

Nise' said...

Great job on reading! I enjoyed Sunday at Tiffany's.

Michelle said...

You are doing great!